First Android App using Kotlin : language features

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Points to ponder from this app about Kotlin:

Koding Efficieny
Cocise Syntax
Avoids boiler plate code (really slick)

Error reduction
Null Safety
Ability to indicate intentions

Excellent compatibility with Java and Android

Singleton pattern for a class is just done using object keyword insted of class (So simple!)
– Automatically instantiated
– All access against same instance
– Member accessed through type name

A class can function as a data model class (like POJO in Java)
– Mark class with data keyword
– Kotlin generates standard methods (equals(), hashCode(), toString())
– Primary constructor must contain only properties

Null safety
Null safe operator
Returns member if not null


otherwise return null

Elvis operator
returns first operand if not null
second operand

explained in Java way:

a != null ? a : b

Example Code:

class Person{
	val name: String = "Jim"
	var weightLbs: Double = 0.0
	var weightKilos: Double 
		get() = weightLbs / 2.2
			weightLbs = value * 2.2


val p = Person()
val name =
p.weightLbs = 220
val kilos = p.weightKilos
p.weightKilos = 50.0
val lbs = p.weightLbs

class Person (val name: String, val weightLbs: Double){
	var weightKilos: Double 
		get() = weightLbs / 2.2
			weightLbs = value * 2.2

	fun eatDessert(addedIceCream: Boolean = true){
		weightLbs += if (addedIceCream) 4.0 else 2.0

	fun calcGoalWeightLbs(lbsToLose : Double = 10) : Double {
		return weightLbs - lbsToLose

However, less code in Kotlin could mean less readability and someone coming form Java the syntax seem pretty confusing and obscure!

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