Here are some Kotlin basics that I have tried. It might be useful as a quick reference:
Java synchronized keyword : fixing Race condition
In a multithreaded Java program read and write operation from different thread at the same time creates race condition. The simple example here gives different output at different times: public class RaceCondition { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException{ final LongWrapper longWrapper = new LongWrapper(0L); … Continued
Send Free SMS using JAVA & Grameenphone’s API (
Today I am going to show how to send SMS using Grameenphone’s API. What I Used to built my application: JAVA NetBeans IDE 6.7 At first go to and register there. This registration is required because it gives you a username & password in respect to your mobile no. This username & password is … Continued
Setting Java CLASSPATH and using Packages
Ok, till now it was totally clumsy to me that what the heck is CLASSPATH and what is the relationship between CLASSPATH and packages. Now I guess I have a little understanding on it.