Android Beacon Platform used to detect beacons and send users push notification by using Proximity Beacon API and Nearby Messaging API. Due to unintended misuse Google has since stopped the service. However, instead this is a project an alternative to the same model using other workaround. It is possible to detect nearby Beacons using Android Beacon Library … Continued
Learning Kotlin : Basics & Functional Programming
Here are some Kotlin basics that I have tried. It might be useful as a quick reference:
Creating a tableLayout dynamically in Android
Creating layouts using xml is easy. But creating layouts in runtime is the only option sometimes… TableLayout tableLayout = (TableLayout) findViewById(; LinearLayout.LayoutParams tableRowParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); /* create a … Continued
JavaScript based Android Game Development : Trump vs Chicken
Recently I have collaborated in an Android Game development with few of my friends which was named Trump vs Chicken. It was in javascript based on Phaser.js framework. Later we’ve used to port it to Android platform. Initially we’ve tested with cordova but it was sluggish. Maybe cordova is better for App development rather … Continued
An Intro to Phaser.js Physics API
What good a game is without the use of rules of physics? So this tutorial will be focused on giving a basic introduction to physics API in phaser.js.
Game Development With Phaser.js – “Hello World”
As every coding tutorial starts with a “Hello World” example, we’ll also follow the same. Our first tutorial on game development with phajer.js will be a “Hello World” example and a little extension over that to make you familiarize with basic functions of phaser.js. All our source code will be available in github.
Create Camera Preview In Android
I was trying to create a simple camera application in android. For my application purpose I needed to display the camera preview. So I followed android developers site and also some other blogs to create a camera preview in android. So everything was working except there was one major bug. If I lock my device … Continued
Blood donation App BloodOwner
I have contributed a little in this Android based Blood Donation App , The application was supposed to do location based registration and searching easier for donators from any location. However there are more updates pending. The app will be useful for people who are searching for blood donors in particular city or districts. They can search the … Continued
First app in google play : Animal Hooray!
Animal Hooray This was basically done for a client in a freelancing website. Rather than graphics I did the database talking and programming part mostly. Nice to see the app finally into real world and people buying it! There is also a free version. App Summary: 5 animal hooray! videos, in 10 languages, with 110 … Continued
Android wireless remote switch : control home appliances (Android + Bluetooth + Arduino)
In this article I will show how to control an electrical appliance remotely from your Android device using bluetooth. The hardwares used in this project are: 1. Android Mobile 2. Bluetooth Module 3. Arduino UNO R3 4. 5V Relay Module Softwares used: 1. Eclipse IDE configured for android development 2. Arduino compiler